>The Flow of MVC in Spring -- Part I -- Dispatcher and Controller

From the example on spring official site, I conclude the flow of Spring’s MVC.

1. Request –> org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet –> parse [ServletName]-servlet.xml –> dispatch to Controller
The “Request” is the “url-patten” mapped in web.xml of web application.
[ServletName] is the name DispatcherServlet mapped (you can also extend it).

2. Create your own Controller “MyController“ –> implement Interface org.springframework.mvc.Controller –> write code of controlling in method handleRequest() which inherited from “Controller” –> return the created model and view obejcts of org.springframework.mvc.ModelAndView –> the framework will render it automatically
The constructor of ModelAndView takes 1 or 3 parameter(s).

For 3 parameters, first one is the view path (The truth path or resolved path. The resolved path is resolved by org.springframework.web.sevrlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver. I will explain it when I post the next time.).
The second one is the model object’s given name, it’s String. This name is NOT the object’s variant-name. This name will be used in jsp. You can look it as an alias.
The third one is the model object ( just the variant you will pass to jsp view ).

3. Ok, Use the returned model object in jsp.

I am an beginner of Java, so i can not conclude if the flow is the common MVC flow.

to be continue …