为2012年中的13寸macbook pro更换固态硬盘SSD并添加内存

刚刚给2012年中的13寸MacBook Pro更换了SSD固态硬盘,并且添加了内存,记录一下。 注意请先断电 工具和配件 十字起子 钟表手机维修用的十字起子 锥头型号 PH000 用来开外壳以及绝大部分螺丝.网上有些文章说PH00,PH0甚至一般十字起子,这些都不对,大了容易伤螺丝。 内6角起子 另外如果要把SSD固态硬盘放到HDD机械硬盘位,那么需要拆掉机械硬盘,这个时候会用到。网上说的
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API Gateway by Fabio & Consul

Fabio is a HTTP router app written by Go language. It is Zero-configuration and simple to deploy. As official document mentioned, “It delivers 23.000 req/sec every day since Sep 2015 without problems”
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Samuel Chen

I am living in Wuhan with my wife and daughter.
Before 2010, I was living in Beijing for a long time.
My interesings are cloud technology, distributed system, data mining and mobile technologies.
In my spare time, I like to play football and swiming.
“Explorer. Dream. Discover. “ is my favorite quotation. And it is also the way I am looking for and doing.

Wuhan, China