web.py 在 Apache + Fastcgi 配置 Tips

根据web.py官网的说明,配置使其运行在apache + fastcgi 上,碰到了许多问题,耗了两天时间才整明白。一方面是apache的配置不熟悉,另外一方面是其官方文档也有些疏漏,问题及解决办法如下(ubuntu 10.04): 调试日志web.py 应用挂在服务器上以后,stdout/stderr,都好像转了(查网上的,未验证),另外apache的用户是www-data,用户当前目录也是
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Samuel Chen

I am living in Wuhan with my wife and daughter.
Before 2010, I was living in Beijing for a long time.
My interesings are cloud technology, distributed system, data mining and mobile technologies.
In my spare time, I like to play football and swiming.
“Explorer. Dream. Discover. “ is my favorite quotation. And it is also the way I am looking for and doing.

Wuhan, China